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Writing a extensive research Paper

Writing a Research Paper

This module will provide a roadmap for writing a extensive research paper to write your findings.

  • List the components or sections of research paper.
  • Understand the content that is appropriate of section.

Once a researcher passes through the process of conducting a study project, it is crucial she shares their findings with others through submission of the work to a scholarly journal.? The following video, “Understanding Scholarly Journal Articles”, provides an introduction to the process of writing a journal article for submission.? The video discusses the purpose of publication, how scholarly journals differ from other publications, the steps in the publication process, the parts of basic journal article, and tips on writing that he or.

While academic disciplines vary from the exact format and model of journal articles in their field, most articles contain similar content and are div >?

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion/Conclusion
  • References/Bibliography ?

Research papers are organized so your information flow resembles an hourglass for the reason that it goes from general? to specific and then returning to general again.? The introduction and literature review sections will introduce the situation and prov >?

Title ? -? The title should always be specific and indicate the issue the research project addresses using keywords that will be useful in literature reviews in the foreseeable future.

Abstract -? The abstract is used by readers to quickly review the general content associated with the paper.? what is Journals typically place strict word limits on abstracts, such as for example 200 words, making them a challenge to write.? The abstract should provide a whole synopsis for the research paper and really should introduce the topic plus the research that is specific, provide a statement regarding methodology and should provide a broad statement about the results while the findings.? It is often written last because it is really a summary of the entire research paper.

Introduction -? The introduction begins by introducing the broad overall topic and providing basic background information.? It then narrows right down to the particular research question with this topic.? It gives the focus and purpose for all of those other paper and sets up the justification for the research.

Literature Review -? The purpose for the literature review will be describe past important research plus it relate it specifically to your research problem.? it must be a synthesis of the literature that is previous the latest idea being researched.? The review should examine the main theories linked to the subject up to now and their contributors.? It should include all relevant findings from credible sources, such as academic books and peer-reviewed journal articles.

Methods -? The methods section will describe the study design and methodology used to complete towards the study.? the typical rule of thumb is that readers must certanly be supplied with enough detail to replicate the study.

Results -? In this section, the total results of the analysis are presented.? How the total email address details are presented will be based upon perhaps the research study was quantitative or qualitative in nature.? This section should focus only on results which are directly linked to the investigation or even the problem. Graphs and tables should only be used if you find data that are too much efficiently include it in the text.? This section should present the outcome, yet not discuss their significance.

Discussion/Conclusion -? This section should really be a discussion associated with the total results and also the implications regarding the field, along with other fields. The hypothesis must certanly be answered and validated because of the interpretation of this results.? This section must also discuss the way the results relate to previous research mentioned in the literature review, any cautions about the findings, and potential for future research.

References/Bibliography -? the extensive research paper just isn’t complete without the a number of references. This section ought to be an alphabetized list of all of the academic types of information employed in the paper.? The format associated with the references will match the format and style found in the paper.? Common formats include APA, MLA, Harvard and so on.

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